If you found your way here then you are a part of a wonderful opportunity and group who wants to grow their Business with others who have the same goal. From now until the end of Sept. we will work together to focus on business strategies that will create habits of success. We will share our experiences, struggles and bring honesty, openness and authenticity to our site.
Have fun with this - since what you do should first of all be a passion along with some FUN!
Let's get started!
Homework for the week of July31 - Aug 6
1.) Select the HBB you want to focus on and why you chose that business over the others? (If you only have one business then list that here)
2.)Post your Goals by answering the following question: (Be VERY specific)
* What do I want my business to provide?
* Why is this important to me?
What challenges will I have to overcome to begin moving toward my goals?
* Whose help and support do I need to achieve my goals?
* How much do I want to earn per month?
* How soon do I want that income?
* How many hours per week will I commit to my business?
Session 2: August 7
3.) Work in your business this week and find ways to talk to 3 people EVERY DAY about what you do. Next week we will ask you how this activity worked for you. Be ready to share your experiences and share your challenges!
Answering the above questions will create the framework from which you will build the rest of your strategies. Keep your goals in mind as you work through the week. Print them out and post them in front of you at home - post them on the refrigerator - in the bathroom and in the car. Keep them in front of you so that every time you look at them or go anywhere you think about what you can do to move forward. This is not about being aggressive, it is about becoming aware of WHY you got into this in the first place.